Polaris Learning Centre is a certified private school that offers one-on-one high school credit courses to students in Grade 9-12 with teachers that ensure their classroom caters to every student’s learning needs. Students can obtain a high school credit for any course offered under the Ontario curriculum during the school year or in the summer.
Each course is designed to accommodate the unique schedule of each student. Students are welcome to take private courses during the day or in the evening, with a customised schedule that matches their availability.
Grade 9
English ENL1W
Mathematics MTH1W
Science SNC1W
Core French FSF1O
Issues in Canadian Geography CGC1D
Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School GLS1O
Grade 10
English ENG2D, ENG2P
Foundations of Mathematics MfM2P
Principles of Mathematics MPM2D
Science SNC2D
Core French FSF2D
Canadian History Since WW1 CHC2D
Civics and Citizenship CHV2O
Career Studies GLC2O
Grade 11
English ENG3U
Foundations for College Mathematics MBF3C
Functions and Applications MCF3M
Functions MCR3U
Chemistry SCH3U
Biology SBI3U
Physics SPH3U
Core French FSF3U
Philosophy: The Big Questions HZB3M
Financial Accounting Fundamentals BAF3M
World History to the End of the Fifteenth Century CHW3M
Marketing: Goods, Services, and Events BMI3C
Media Studies EMS3O
Travel and Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspective CGG3O
Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology HSP3U
Grade 12
English ENG4U
The Writer's Craft EWC4U
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course OLC4O
Foundations for College Mathematics MAP4C
Calculus and Vectors MCV4U
Advanced Functions MHF4U
Mathematics of Data Management MDM4U
Chemistry SCH4U
Biology SBI4U
Physics SPH4U
Core French FSF4U
International Business Fundamentals BBB4M
World Issues: A Geographic Analysis CGW4U
World History Since the Fifteenth Century CHY4U
Canada: History, Identity, and Culture CHI4U
Nutrition and Health HFA4U
Families in Canada HHS4U
Philosophy: Questions and Theories HZT4U
Challenge and Change in Society HSB4U